The ancient healing art of reflexology is based on the principle that the anatomy of the body is reflected in the reflex points on both the feet and hands. Specific areas relate to each and every organ and parts of the body through a system of energy pathways called zones. By applying a gentle pressure massage to these reflex points it is possible to detect areas of imbalance, congestion and tension and working on these will restore a free flow of energy, ease tension, improve circulation and elimination. Since reflexology treats the body as a whole and not just the symptoms of disease most people will benefit from treatment. The therapy can bring about relief to a wide range of conditions and treatment on a regular basis can be particularly helpful to the following conditions: stress, fertility related problems (PCOS, endometrosis, fibroids) PMS/menopause, asthma/eczema, anxiety, migraines and many others.
Treatment time 1 hour